I’m Colin Lapthorn and my goal is to ensure that you hire the right person, not just a person.
This blog will, over the next months, show you how to achieve the perfect hire and reveal industry best practices that will bring exceptional value to your business.
The Importance Of Hiring Well
The figures speak for themselves. You probably don't realise it, but it's estimated that the average cost of a bad hire is 8-to-10 times the annual salary of the post in question. Some of this is the actual salary cost but most of it is hidden in the additional effort required by the other members of staff to make-up for the deficiency the business suffers, in the lost opportunities as a result of having to provide this cover, and in the drop in team morale. And let's not forget how a bad hiring decision can affect a company's position in the eyes of its clients. A lot of damage can be done in a short time.
When you do consider the true cost implications of hiring, it is extraordinary how little training is given in how to recruit successfully. Too often, the person responsible is just asked to hire an additional member of a team or to replace someone. The process starts with wondering how to do it and and ends with asking friends and colleagues who have gained experience after muddling through themselves.
This blog is for everyone who wants to do a better job and hire the right people, from the small business owner through to large corporate human resources personnel. The coming weeks and months will cover all the aspects of recruitment that you need to know to achieve the perfect hire.