Recruitment and Retention in Today's Economy

This is a blog about successfully recruiting staff. The consequences of the global recession and related economic upheavals will be felt for years to come. In this new economy, hiring the right people for your business has never been more important. My job is to help you do just that.

RSS Feeds From Osirian

We offer a regularly updated RSS (or 'news feed') service, to keep clients up to date with the latest candidates and our regular offers.

A news feed provides you with the headline information about a new posting on our blog and, if one interests you, you can click to read the full details.

This is a free service which you can opt in to or out of at any time.


All anyone needs to receive a news feed (from us or anywhere else) is a 'news reader'. This is a piece of software that checks the feeds you have subscribed to and lets you know if any new jobs have been added since you last looked. Many news readers are free.

There are numerous news readers available - some are part of a web browser, others are stand-alone applications. Which one is right for you will depend on your personal preferences and your operating system.

Examples for the PC include Newz Crawler, FeedDemon and Awasu. For the Mac there is Newsfire and NetNewsWire. The Firefox browser also supports RSS.

More Information

This link to Google provides a starting point for more information about RSS.


To subscribe to our news feed service, simply click on the "Subscribe To Posts (Atom)" link at the bottom of posts.